From purchasing groceries to buying a new house, everybody wants to get their money’s worth. Even better, everybody wants an optimized payback period for their purchase, especially when the acquired items in question are systems dedicated to tracking the loading and unloading activities of fuel-delivery vehicles.

Civacon has addressed the inefficiencies of fuel delivery with the creation of its CivaCommand Smart Tank System, a highly engineered digital solution that consolidates access to the many different control systems on the delivery vehicle through wireless communication with all fuel-delivery and operation-monitoring components.
In developing CivaCommand, Civacon worked to take on the Big 6 Errors in fuel loading and unloading processes before they could have a negative effect on fuel delivery fleets and fueling stations.
Now, Civacon is offering a way for CivaCommand users to see just how quickly they can realize a full return on investment (ROI) after installing the system. Called the CivaCommand ROI Calculator, this value-added feature is available at and enables CivaCommand users to see how fast the payback period can be for their operation once the CivaCommand system has been incorporated and is fully functional.
To get started, all the user needs to do is enter basic information regarding the number of trailers, deliveries per day, compartments per trailer and number of delivery days on the CivaCommand Calculator webpage and hit the “Calculate My Savings” button. The calculator will compute the annual savings in each of six categories and produce an estimated CivaCommand payback time. For an average fleet with four-compartment trailers making 10 deliveries per day, the CivaCommand system can pay for itself in 1.8 years. Depending on the size of the delivery fleet and the number of deliveries performed daily, that payback period could be even shorter.
For more information on the new CivaCommand Smart Tank System, or any of Civacon’s other products and systems for the safe loading, unloading and monitoring of petroleum, dry bulk and petrochemical over-the-road and railroad cargo tanks, please visit